Gallery of Painted E. Allen Decoys
Customer Decoys

These are a few samples of some of the decoys painted by our customers. If you have some of your decoys that you would like featured here, let me know and I'll get them posted. We'll be featuring some of our best decoy painters and more than a few who are still in the process of developing their craft. When it boils down to it, we're all in the process of learning. Let's share what you've done.

Please holler if you have any questions & let us know how we can help you enjoy your sport!
Lou Tisch

Drake Shoveler by Mark Schupp
Mark Schupp-Shov.Dk
Drake Shoveler by Mark Schupp
Mark Schupp-Shov.Dk.
Gene Kreske-Drake Bluebill
Gene Kresge-Bluebill D
Gene Kresge-Woody Drake
Gene Kresge-Woody D
Bob Gohl-Hen Mallard
Bob Gohl-Hen Mallard
Bob Gohl-Hen Mallard
Bob Gohl-Hen Mallard
The Hen Mallard shown above is also an E. Allen Decoy-Hen Mallard, painted by Bob Gohl. This is part of his Gunning Rig. Notice the's painted, not glass. Bob is an impressive painter.
The decoys shown below are E. Allen Decoys painted by Bob Gohl. Bob decided to give a try at a few
Eclipse Drake Mallard, just coming out of Summer Plumage, for his personal gunning rig. Make special
note that the eyes are painted.....not glass. Truly an amazing job of painting. Bob also sells a lot of E. Allen
decoys (painted) on ebay (ebay name: gohltrigger). .
Gohl-Eclipse Drake Mallard
Bob Gohl-Eclipse Drake Mallard
Bob Gohl-Eclipse Drake Mallard
Bob Gohl-Eclipse Drake Mallard
Eclipse Drake Mallard by Bob Gohl
Eclipse Drake Mallard by Bob Gohl
Eclipse Drake Mallard by Bob Gohl
E. Allen Decoy Co. Logo
Clint Taylor-Buffy
Clint Taylor-Buffy

Greg Hannig-Mallards

Greg Hannig-Mallards

Greg Hannig-Mallards

Greg Hannig-Mallards

Jeff Cassat

Jeff Cassat-GE

Jon Espey-Woody
Jon Espey-Woodies

JW King-Mallard Hen
JW King-Mallard Hen

JW King-Mallard Drake
JW King-Mallard Dk

JW King-Woody Drake
JW King-Woody Dk

JW King-Woody Hen
JW King-Woody Hen

Jean Minaudier-Woody head
Jean Minaudier-Woody

Scott Odette-Mallards
Scott Odette-Mallards

Scott Odette-Mallards
Scott Odette-Mallards

Scott Odette-Mallards
Scott Odette-Mallards

Scott Odette-Goldeneye
Scott Odette-GE pair

Chris Pratt-Mallard Drake
Chris Pratt-Mallard Dk

Chris Pratt-Mallard Hen
Chris Pratt-Mallard Hn

Chris Pratt-Mallard Hen
Chris Pratt-Mallard Hn

Mike Prawdzik-Super Mag. GE-Yukon
Mike Prawdzik-GE

Mike "Yukon Mike" Prawdzik-Oldsquaw
Mike Prawdzik-OS

Mark Ssch
Mark Schupp-Woody

Mark Schupp-Woody Drake
Mark Schupp-Woody
Gene Kresge-Red Breasted Merganser Drake
Gene Kresge-RB Merg.

The E. Allen Decoys

The E. Allen Decoys

